Helium Music Manager Premium 16.4.18286 instal the last version for android
Helium Music Manager Premium 16.4.18286 instal the last version for android

We recommend all uses to upgrade to this version.

  • Updated database drivers for SQLite, MySql and PostgreSQL.Īpart from the above major fixes, many minor things have been stabilized and optimized.
  • Some minor improvements to the light theme (better contrast).
  • Auto-calculate BPM is properly performed when using Apply to all in the Advanced tag editor.
  • Some minor performance improvements to the query builder used by smart playlists and the advanced search.
  • Optimizations when reading and updating files that are not in the library when working from the My computer view.
  • Various user interface fixes for Smart playlists.
  • Minor improvements when uding drag and drop from a track view to a playlist.
  • Helium Music Manager Premium 16.4.18286 instal the last version for android

    Corrections to drag and drop of tracks within a tracklist where tracks could gets removed from the list.Performance issues and some new logic for Optimize database.Corrections to the CD-Ripper when requerying to rip anoter CD is invoked.

    Helium Music Manager Premium 16.4.18286 instal the last version for android

    Improvements to importing of data from Media Monkey.The File Analyser tool can now detect these files which are often caused by bad/long leading bytes.

    Helium Music Manager Premium 16.4.18286 instal the last version for android

  • Improved handling of possibly broken MPEG files.
  • This feature will allow you to see both the Play queue and any of the now playing tabs at the same time.
  • Possibility to embed the right sidebar tabs into the Play queue (if docked into the right sidebar).
  • Welcome to a new Helium 16 version which comes with the following major changes:

    Helium Music Manager Premium 16.4.18286 instal the last version for android